
Our Methods

Functional Medicine, coupled with nutrition, represents a transformative shift in modern healthcare, offering a holistic approach that goes beyond merely alleviating symptoms. This progressive practice embraces the uniqueness of everyone, focusing on a patient-centered methodology rather than a disease-centered one. By considering the intricate interplay of genetics, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices, Functional Medicine practitioners can unearth the underlying causes of health issues, rather than merely addressing their surface manifestations.

Comprehensive Assessment:


The Comprehensive Assessment is an extensive evaluation process, often encompassing a detailed review of a patient's medical history, current health complaints, lifestyle factors, environmental exposures, and more.


In Functional Medicine, a patient's history holds the clues to their current health status and potential future challenges. By diving deep into their past medical events, lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and even emotional traumas, practitioners can identify patterns and triggers that may be contributing to current health concerns.

Real-World Application:

For instance, a patient might be suffering from persistent digestive issues. A comprehensive assessment might reveal that these issues began after a particularly stressful life event, pointing to a possible link between stress and gut health. This finding can be supported by research, such as that published in the journal Gastroenterology, which has found associations between emotional stress and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Integrative Nutritional Counseling

Integrative Nutritional Counseling is a personalized approach to diet and nutrition, considering an individual’s unique physiological needs, health goals, and potential food sensitivities or allergies.


Nutrition plays a pivotal role in overall health. Functional Medicine recognizes that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” diet, and what works for one person might be detrimental to another. Through Integrative Nutritional Counseling, practitioners design custom dietary plans that align with an individual’s health needs, genetic makeup, and lifestyle.

Real-World Application:

Consider an individual with autoimmune conditions such as celiac disease. Traditional medical advice might stop at recommending a gluten-free diet. However, with Integrative Nutritional Counseling, the approach would be holistic, perhaps suggesting an anti-inflammatory diet, supplementation with specific nutrients, and lifestyle modifications to support overall well-being. The benefits of personalized nutritional interventions have been highlighted in various studies, including those published in the journal Nutrients.

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With each diagnosis, treatment, and consultation, we're gardening a personalized pathway to health, ensuring that your wellness blossoms and thrives.

Advanced Diagnostic Testing

This refers to the use of cutting-edge diagnostic tools and tests to uncover the root causes of health issues. These tools might include specialized blood tests, genetic screenings, microbiome analyses, and more.


Traditional medicine often uses standard diagnostic tests that might not reveal the intricate nuances of individual health. Functional Medicine, on the other hand, employs advanced testing to gain deeper insights into the patient's physiological functioning, uncovering hidden imbalances or dysfunctions.

Real-World Application:

For a patient presenting with unexplained fatigue, instead of just running basic blood tests, Advanced Diagnostic Testing might include a detailed analysis of micronutrient levels, adrenal function, and even genetic markers linked to energy metabolism. This comprehensive approach ensures that no stone is left unturned. Journals like The Lancet often discuss the implications and innovations in advanced diagnostic methodologies and their impact on patient care.